Monday, July 30, 2012

Hero Quest Commercial 90's

Commercial from when I was a kid. My cousins had a copy but when hardly got to play it because my uncle hardly ever wanted to game master. We bagged and begged every time I spent the night but when we did play it was pretty cool. That’s really where all the Warhammer and gaming came in to my world. They had 2 copies so we would take one and make our own games out of it and Battle Masters. But they had Warhammer also; my uncle had tons of figures. He had a Skeven army, one cousin had a High Elf army the other a Dwarf army and I had Empire.  We never got to play Warhammer that at all. I am thinking now because my Uncle did not want to explain all the rules. We just made up games of our own and did some horrible paint jobs LOL. The paint would dry up and clump yuck they just look bad.

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