Saturday, July 14, 2012

Gotrek and Felix Jaeger

Out of all the warhammer figures I've had all the army have come and gone I've had these two figure the longest. Felix and Gotrek can be used with any army and you had to find the rules for the special addition of white dwarf magazine. I think some of the older figures are way cooler looking in the new ones. I really like the way my paint job came out on them by far my best work at least. I'm pretty sure these figures are out of print by now I got them back in the early 90's. Gotrex is a dwarf slayer who enters battle seeking death. Felix Is the son of an empire noble man whose life was saved by Gotrex. Felix pleaged a life vow to Gotex after his life was saved. Following a crazed dwarf who is set on a death in the heat of battle will make for an interesting afternoon.


  1. Are you at all interested in selling these? I play a tabletop game called heroscape and these would be perfect to use as units for that game. I've read all the Gotrek and Felix novels and have always wanted to own these figures. FYI, I do have high-quality prints of several Fantastic 4 VERY EARLY comics I'd be willing to trade. They aren't originals, but were made by the original publishing company for High Noon Entertainment, a reality television producer I used to work for. They were given as a gift, but I'd gladly trade for these.

    1. my e-mail is if you'd be willing to contact me to let me know if you're interested or not. Thanks!!
