Saturday, July 7, 2012

Battle Masters

I started playing BattleMasters and Hero Quest with my cousins when in was about 10 or so. We would also take the pieces to the games and make our own which was just as fun. Both games where licensed by Milton Bradly from Games Workshop from there Warhammer lines and worked as a gate way drug as they used the same molds for the figures all of which are out of print now. They came out in the early 90's and you can still find both on Ebay just about any time but the price jumps up and down. I was in a mode of nostalgia when I got 2 set to make an Empire army to play Warhammer.

I started painting some of the figures a while back I have to find the motivation to finish the set.

I got the table set up, trying to talk my wife in to playing a game with me.


  1. Interesting, I used to play this with my little brother, It seemed like the orcs and goblins were always at a disadvantage

    1. I think the flaw of the game was how you took your turn. The hoard side has so many units that you can never move them when you want when you are waiting on a card to come up. If you hanging back and make them come to you give you the best chance of winning with them; me thinks.
