I went to go see the man of steel last Friday. Great movie
good it had story cool action and character development. They did right by the
alien for once. I was telling my friend that now that I am older and have a kid
all the emotional moments of Clark and his father really got to me, even the
baby being shot in to space had me saying no I just got something in my eye. There
where even nods to batman as the fighting took to space on one of the satellites
said Wayne Enterprise on the side, as well as a couple of tucks that said Lex corp.
on the trailers. I would and will see it again as I have to take the wife.
Now for the few problems I have with the movie ill go least
to greatest. First I thought the kryptononian tech was a little over done; Very
small complaint no big deal.
Second every time superman has to do battle with any one
ever it seems like more people would die in the wreckage that is created that
he saves. I seen at least 4 building fall and you are telling me no one was in
them. But I looked cool and that’s just a superman thing I guess, I know I would
be sending him the bill to rebuild new york.
And last and this is the biggest and I know every one is saying it and SPOILERS, ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
if you read down this far its your own fault. Superman kills Zod when this
happened like 2 people started to clap and the rest of the theater got really
uneasy. He kills him to stop him from killing some innocent people and as I said
be for he did not try to save any one in any of the buildings he toppled. None the
less he crossed the line that he can never cross; yes he was broken up about it
but not a Supermany thing to do. If super man crosses that line once what’s to
stop him the next time. They say the first time is the hardest and after that
it gets easier. Bat man will have to break out the kryptonite and take him

That is the whole plot to the injustice game and comic when super man
crosses the line what’s to stop him. So much for all the sacrificed Kevin Costner
made to raise him.
Over all great movies I’m not tiring to hate on it, it just
thought it was not true to the character. I mean Hollywood
not being true to a story or character it’s just not like them.
Leave you thoughts below tell me what you thought.